Part Of Dumond Moving & Storage LTD


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Aggregate Review : All Reviews
- 5 out of 5, votes, reviews

"Very friendly and efficient service."

Chloe Marshall  August 6, 2015

"Very friendly and efficient service."


"A very punctual, friendly and efficient service from the management to the individuals carrying out the move.

Mike Nelson  July 28, 2015

"A very punctual, friendly and efficient service from the management to the individuals carrying out the move.


"Excellent service, friendly and polite. Efficient too and even when things didn't quite go to plan, they found a solution;"

Louise Beere  July 9, 2015

"Excellent service, friendly and polite. Efficient too and even when things didn't quite go to plan, they found a solution;"


"great service across a very long day and very helpful!"

Deniz Oral  July 30, 2015

"great service across a very long day and very helpful!"


"We can highly recommend this company. All their operatives are prompt and polite and perform anything asked of them with a good spirit and high level of professionalism. Highly recommended."

Sharon Moore-Daniel  July 29, 2015

"We can highly recommend this company. All their operatives are prompt and polite and perform anything asked of them with a good spirit and high level of professionalism. Highly recommended."


Get In Touch

  Phone: 020 8123 2375

  Mobile: 07943 8294 79

What Our Clients Are Saying

"Very friendly and efficient service."


"We can highly recommend this company. All their operatives are prompt and polite and perform anything asked of them with a good spirit and high level of professionalism. Highly recommended."


"A very punctual, friendly and efficient service from the management to the individuals carrying out the move.
